The angels veil their faces with their wings when they worship the Most High, and we must veil ours with humility.
The angels veil their faces with their wings when they worship the Most High, and we must veil ours with humility.
To find grace is an act, to have grace is a state; to hold it fast is to make the act perpetual and the state continual – Charles Spurgeon
Gratitude is the only fountain of acceptable service; without it the streams are far too defiled to flow in the paradise of God – Charles Spurgeon
According to the apostle, if we are to serve God acceptably it must be under a sense of our immeasurable obligation to him – Charles Spurgeon.
The early church clearly understood that neither they nor the things they had belonged to them but to Him who died for them! They surrendered all independent of circumstances.
You have to appropriate it that you are not an orphan, because this HELPER SAVIOUR dwells with you and is in you and will guide you into the heart of God for any situation you face!
You can make others see the light in the light you shine. In these times will you commit to doing this, to be an encouragement to your weary fellow travellers in this journey of faith?
In your walk of faith where are you on the scale of ignorance of what has been written concerning the times; and if you are not ignorant, where are you on the scale of believing the anti-dote promises of the Almighty God?
How shall we escape [appropriate retribution] if we neglect and refuse to pay attention to such a great salvation [as is now offered to us, letting it drift past us forever]?
Accepting the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ is the only option to a life of HOPE, FREEDOM and PEACE and not to be separated from our Father and CREATOR for eternity.
(c) The Christian Brethren Church