In Genesis 38 Judah withdrew from his brethren for a season. You would wonder, what could have happened that led to Judah withdrawing from his brethren?
In Genesis 38 Judah withdrew from his brethren for a season. You would wonder, what could have happened that led to Judah withdrawing from his brethren?
We live in a season where everything is difficult and it’s all over the world. It’s a signal that something is going on.
That it worked yesterday is no guarantee that it will work today. Protect yourself and your hard earned resources from outcome bias.
Apostle Paul in exhorting his son, Timothy, charged, teach these things and insist that everyone learn them.
Your prayers are more powerful than you know. When Paul and Silas were trapped in prison, you know what their reaction was?
The Lord gave me a new understanding of legacy in John 17:4-6 with the eternal God as the frame of reference.
Fruitfulness in spiritual matters is at the core of being a Christian. What is a tree without fruits?
(c) The Christian Brethren Church